Dear My teacher Jack,

How was your journey?
Don't you suffer from jet lag?

I'm so sorry I couldn't come to your house to meet you,
and report on our Chakai last week,
because my job was a little bit hard..

So please let me report on it by email.

1. Our Chashitsu

It is a fantastic equipment, as you are aware of.
It makes us link up with our surroundings or atmosphere,
and concentrate on Tea easily.
Especialy in my making Tea for Emiko san,
I coud have so happy time.
No thinking. Just make Tea. And some good comversation.

Our Chashitsu must give us so many possibility from now on, also.

2. Real and No Dogu Temae

On second week, we did "Real and No Dogu Temae".
2 Tatami were in the room, and on one Tatami Dogu were set
but on the other No dogu.
And 2 Temae san "made Tea" at the same timing.
Real Temae's sound let me know thier Teamae synchronize.

Some guests told me they found a beauty in the Temae.

3. Zhuangzi "The Dream of a butterfly"
荘子―古代中国の実存主義 (中公新書 (36))

Last exhibision's theme was
"The Dream of a butterfly" by Zhuangzi.

Zhungzi was a chinese philosopher about 350 B.C.
and one of the founders of the Taoism.
He said when we are awere of Tao,
I interprete it is reason or plinciple,
we are able to cope with everything as we please.
His idea let me remember you told me when we respect the otehr,
or give the other my territory, we could find our liberty or space.
We study Tao through Chado, I think.

4. Chajin, Kamonkai member

I was so happy to join this project with Kamonkai member.

M. Fujikawa
Her creativity made our Chakai so interesting.
Do you remember Kamonkai's name card or a ticket for Tea?
Second week's Temae style also become interesting
by her creativity.

Y. Suzuki
He dindn't forget to have space in his mind at all times.
At busy time also, he made tea for the other
as he thought of their busy or nervous mind.

K. Komatsubara
Her severe sense of tea made our project very Chado.
When we were deep in making our project more interesting,
sometimes we made light of Tea rule,
like keeping a pure situation for guests.
She reminded us of key points of Chado.

Y. Tani
As she is one University student and has more time than us,
we relied on her so much to prepare the project.
Her Kageshigoto was perfect,
and more over, she alwasys seems to be happy.

F. Nakayama
His attitude is always Chajin's to everything.
He enjoyed everything, preparetion, conversiation
with guest or another staff, and of course making tea.
He must be more and more and more powerful as you know.

And I have to say special thanks for your powerful Tea teaching.
You show us Tea is such a interesting way.
We are waiting for meeting you
and what you will have gotten in your retreat.

With big love,
Yuko Soma